To guarantee quality and accuracy, all our translations are entrusted following proficiency and sector specialization standards. They are done exclusively by professional native translators, with a minimum of 5 years of full-time professional experience. The criteria for assigning a translation are as follows. The work is completed by a native speaker-translator from Italian into the required target language. The reverse process is followed using an Italian translator for translations into Italian from the various source languages. All this is to make the best product possible in terms of both use of language as well as style and form. We base our criteria for choosing the translator on these three essential points:
A sworn translation certifies the conformity of the translation to the original text and is carried out by the Justice of the Peace and the Court of Pistoia for which we are an official translator (C.T.U.), listed in the register of professional translators.
This service is used by law firms, notaries, auditing and tax consultancy firms, government bodies, and companies participating in international tenders. Those clients in need of legal and financial translations are guaranteed a complete, appropriate, and ready-to-use service, performed proficiently in over 30 languages by our professional native translators, with expertise in the sector.
We also offer translation services of official documents and certificates to both Italian citizens (for documentation to be used abroad) and foreigners (residence permits, citizenship applications, family reunification, etc.) to be presented to Italian authorities.
Our code of ethics guarantees that everyone’s privacy and maximum confidentiality is respected.
Studio Blitz has implemented a Quality Management System, which is maintained in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 (cert. no. IT270104) by BUREAU VERITAS - for the "Planning and provision of translation services; provision of interpreting services”.
It has also achieved the European standard UNI EN ISO 17100:2015 certification specifically for the "Planning and provision of translation services" (cert. no. IT270048) through BUREAU VERITAS, which evaluated and judged Studio BLITZ’s management system to be in compliance with the requirements for this management system standard.