In business since 1980, spanning 2 generations and with a wealth of experience and proficiency...
In 1980, it seemed like a gamble to open a translation office. There were dictionaries everywhere plus a telephone, a typewriter, correction fluid to remove any errors, and a very noisy, gigantic fax machine. Then came the word processing system, where the white words on the black screen almost seemed to snap. This was the beginning of an exciting and innovative business. The passage of time has meant a constant and continuous evolution of the application tools, the company, our network of professional native translators, our specialization in strategic sectors, and the continuous quality improvement to meet the demands and needs of our clients. Our clientele provides us with the greatest satisfaction. with long-standing clients having been with us for over 30 years. Their loyalty represents an irreplaceable value in a quickly changing world.
All this means that we have managed to create relationships based on mutual trust and respect as a result of our dependable, meticulous, and reliable work. The important and decisive factor is the attention we give our clients. STUDIO BLITZ is about listening, understanding, caring, communicating, and basically always being available for our clients. Since 1980, Studio Blitz has been a guarantee of proficiency and experience. Our mission is to offer our clients a reliable, timely, and personalized translation and interpreting service.
Studio BLITZ has a well-qualified, flexible staff, with a team of over 150 qualified native translators, able to translate from/into 30 languages including European, non-European, Slavic, Middle Eastern, and Asian languages.
Building client loyalty is important for us because, by strengthening these relationships over time, we can have a better understanding of each company’s focuses, content, and languages. Knowledge also means understanding and a translation done well becomes a competitive passkey to the global world.
The strong points that distinguish our work are:
In addition to using such innovative technologies as CAT tools, we also believe in the capacity of the human mind that processes, interprets, considers, and selects. For this reason, we have maintained the added value provided by our professional translators and interpreters.